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                                                              Nichelle Vidales


                                                                              | @nichevda




Pixar Storyboard Workshop                                                                                                                         December 2020

Two week CSUN workshop where I and sixteen other students virtually met and created storyboards with industry professionals

Fast paced lightning round pitches and story analysis 

Peer reviewed and critiqued storyboard panels

Took criticism and advice to begin the process of storyboard revisions


Mr. Louis--Student Film Directed by Abria Fleck                                                                                                2019-2020

Assisted with writing 

Drafted storyboards and did the revisions and cleanup

Produced several shots of the final film


Buzz Off!                                                                                                                                                                            2020

Wrote and produced a short film

Visually developed backgrounds and characters

Produced shots frame by frame


Elijah's Days                                                                                                                                                       2020-Present

Interpreting the writing of a child’s book

Illustrating pages for the project

Creating character and background designs



Animation Student League-Northridge                                                                                                           2017-Present

Network with like-minded students working for the same career

Team project opportunities like 24 hr Animation Contest

Collaborating with other students to move forward with animation projects


L’enfant de l’sorlieges                                                                                                                                                      2021

Drafting background layout designs

Cleaning up and coloring backgrounds






California State University, Northridge  |  Major: Art/Animation

BA degree expected in 2022





Adobe Photoshop (CC and CS6), Adobe Animate (CC), Adobe Illustrator (CC), Adobe AfterEffects (CC), ToonBoom Harmony (16 and 20), ToonBoom Storyboard Pro (7)




Good with Mac and PC

Great organization skills

Good in a team dynamic

Adaptive with computer programs




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